As the World Turns

As the World Turns - CBS


Soap Opera




The Hughes, Snyder and Walsh families are the predominant forces in Oakdale, Ill., and they have quite a history. Many of the various family members and friends struggle to do the right thing as they follow their hearts.

Cast & Crew

Noelle Beck

Noelle Beck Lily Snyder

Evan Alex Cole

Evan Alex Cole Hunter

Terri Colombino

Terri Colombino Katie Peretti

Ewa Da Cruz Vienna Hyatt

Trent Dawson Henry Coleman

Ellen Dolan Margo Montgomery Hughes

Eileen Fulton Lisa Miller Grimaldi

Tom Degnan Riley Morgan

Benton Greene Derek Coburn

Ashley Marie Greiner Faith Snyder

Meredith Hagner

Meredith Hagner Liberty Ciccone

Van Hansis

Van Hansis Luke Snyder

Don Hastings

Don Hastings Dr. Bob Hughes

Kathryn Hays

Kathryn Hays Kim Sullivan Hughes

Mick Hazen Parker Munson

Jon Hensley Holden Snyder

Scott Holmes Tom Hughes

Roger Howarth

Roger Howarth Paul Ryan

Elizabeth Hubbard

Elizabeth Hubbard Lucinda Walsh

Jon Lindstrom

Jon Lindstrom Craig Montgomery

Billy Magnussen

Billy Magnussen Casey Hughes

Marie Masters Dr. Susan Burke Stewart

Cady McClain

Cady McClain Rosanna Cabot

Grayson McCouch Dusty Donovan

Kelley Menighan Hensley Emily Stewart

Michael Park

Michael Park Jack Snyder

Austin Peck

Austin Peck Brad Snyder

Julie Pinson Janet Ciccone

Marnie Schulenburg

Marnie Schulenburg Alison Stewart

Paolo Seganti

Paolo Seganti Damian Grimaldi

Jake Silbermann Noah Mayer

Maura West

Maura West Carly Tenney

Kathleen Widdoes Emma Snyder

Davida Williams Jade Taylor

Marie Wilson Meg Snyder

Colleen Zenk Pinter Barbara Ryan

Eric Sheffer Stevens Reid Oliver

Helen Wagner Nancy Hughes McClosky

Jon Prescott

Jon Prescott Mike Kasnoff

Wole Parks

Wole Parks Dallas Griffin

Daniel Manche J.J. Larrabee

Agim Kaba Aaron Snyder

Justine Cotsonas Sofie Duran

Dylan Bruce

Dylan Bruce Dr. Chris Hughes

Tala Ashe

Tala Ashe Ameera Ali Aziz

Chauntee Schuler Bonnie McKechnie

Jesse Soffer

Jesse Soffer Will Munson

Jennifer Landon

Jennifer Landon Gwen Munson

Alexandra Chando

Alexandra Chando Maddie Coleman

Jennifer Ferrin Jennifer Munson

Martha Byrne

Martha Byrne Lily Walsh Snyder

Benjamin Hendrickson Hal Munson

Hunt Block Craig Montgomery

Paul Leyden Simon Frasier

Kristina Sisco Abigail Williams

Patrick Tovatt Cal Stricklyn

Scott DeFreitas

Scott DeFreitas Andrew Dixon

Andrew Kavovit Paul Ryan

Larry Bryggman Dr. John Dixon

Lisa Brown Iva Snyder

Julianne Moore

Julianne Moore Frannie Hughes/Sabrina Hughes

Scott Bryce Craig Montgomery

Gregg Marx Tom Hughes

Brian Bloom

Brian Bloom Dusty Donovan

John Wesley Shipp

John Wesley Shipp Doug Cummings

Justin Deas

Justin Deas Thomas Christopher

Henderson Forsythe Dr. David Stewart

Christopher Goutman Executive Producer

Full Cast & Crew

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1956–2010 Soap Opera 8 Seasons1111 Episodes

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1956–2010 Soap Opera 8 Seasons1111 Episodes

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News aboutAs the World Turns