Back Street (1941)
Cast & Crew
Charles Boyer Walter Louis Saxel
Margaret Sullavan Ray Smith
Richard Carlson Curt Stanton
Frank McHugh Ed Porter
Tim Holt Richard Saxel
Frank Jenks Harry Niles
Esther Dale Mrs. Smith
Samuel S. Hinds Felix Darren
Peggy Stewart Freda Smith
Nell O'Day Elizabeth Saxel
Kitty O'Neil Mrs. Dilling
Nella Walker Corinne Saxel
Cecil Cunningham Mrs. Miller
Marjorie Gateson Mrs. Adams
Dale Winter Miss Evans
Robert Stevenson Director
Bruce Manning Screenwriter
Felix Jackson Screenwriter
Frank Shaw Producer
William Daniels Cinematography
Ted Kent Film Editing
Frank Skinner Original Music
Jack Otterson Art Director
R.A. Gausman Set Decoration
Vera West Costume Design
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1941 Movie
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1941 Movie
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