Battle of Rogue River
Cast & Crew
George Montgomery Maj. Frank Archer
Richard Denning Stacey Wyatt
Martha Hyer Brett McClain
John Crawford Capt. Richard Hillman
Emory Parnell Sgt. McClain
Michael Granger Chief Mike
Freeman Morse Pvt. Reed
Bill Bryant Corporal
Charles Evans Matt Parish
Lee Roberts Lt. Keith Ryan
Frank Sully Pvt. Kohler
Steven Ritch Indian
Bill Hale Henry
Jimmy Lloyd Pvt. Hanley
Willis Bouchey Maj. Wallach
William Castle Director
Douglas Heyes Screenwriter
Sam Katzman Producer
Henry Freulich Cinematography
Charles Nelson Film Editing
Paul Palmentola Art Director
Sidney Clifford Set Decoration
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1954 Movie
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1954 Movie
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