Bonhoeffer: Pastor. Spy. Assassin.
In Theaters:
Cast & Crew
Jonas Dassler Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Phileas Heyblom Young Dietrich Bonhoeffer
August Diehl Martin Niemoller
Moritz Bleibtreu Karl Bonhoeffer
Nadine Heidenreich Paula Bonhoeffer
David Jonsson Frank Fisher
Flula Borg Hans Dohnanyi
Lisa Höfer Sabine Bonhoeffer
Todd Komarnicki Director
Todd Komarnicki Writer
Todd Komarnicki Producer
Emmanuel Kampouris Producer
Camille Kampouris Producer
Mark O'Sullivan Producer
Chloe Kassis-Crowe Producer
Brandon Purdie Executive Producer
Vivienne De Courcy Executive Producer
Lars P. Winther Executive Producer
Sarada McDermott Executive Producer
John Hubbard Executive Producer
Ros Hubbard Executive Producer
John Mathieson Cinematography
Blu Murray Film Editing
Antonio Pinto Original Music
Gabriel Ferreira Original Music
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