Buffalo Girls
Cast & Crew
Anjelica Huston Calamity Jane
Melanie Griffith Dora DuFran
Gabriel Byrne Teddy Blue
Peter Coyote Buffalo Bill Cody
Sam Elliott Wild Bill Hickok
Reba McEntire Annie Oakley
Tracey Walter Jim Ragg
Floyd "Red Crow" Westerman No Ears
Jack Palance Bartle Bone
Charlayne Woodard Doosie
John Diehl General Custer
Liev Schreiber Ogden
Andrew Bicknell Captain James O'Neill
Paul Lazar Doc Rames
Russell Means Sitting Bull
Geoffrey Bateman Prince of Wales
Julie Bevan Duchess Warwick
Peter Birch Lord Windhouvern
Michael Eiland Harry
David Garver Heartless Frank
Jane Goold Skeedle
Robert Harnesberger Precher
Jerry King Jack McCall
Daphne Neville Actor
Rob Nicholas Actor
J. Michael Olivia Blacksmith
Richard Simpson Club Manager
Hanley Smith Mr. Fortescue
Boots Southerland Sergeant
Hannah Taylor-Gordon Janey
Rod Hardy Director
Sandra Saxon Brice Producer
Suzanne Coston Producer
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1995 Miniseries
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1995 Miniseries
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