Call Me Mister
Cast & Crew
Betty Grable Kay Hudson
Dan Dailey Sergeant Shep Dooley
Danny Thomas P.F.C. Stanley Poppopolis
Dale Robertson Captain Johnny Comstock
Benay Venuta Billie Barton
Richard Boone Mess Sergeant
Jeffrey Hunter The Kid
Frank Fontaine First Sergeant
Harry von Zell Major Gen. William Steele (uncredited)
Dave Willock Chet
Robert Ellis Ack-Ack Ackerman (uncredited)
Jerry Paris Air Force Pilot in Skit (uncredited)
Lou Spencer Dunhill Dance Team
Art Stanley Dunhill Dance Team
Bob Roberts Dunhill Dance Team
Tommy Bond Little Soldier (uncredited)
Lloyd Bacon Director
Fred Kohlmar Producer
⨁Full Cast & CrewWhere to Stream
1951 Movie
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1951 Movie
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