Card Sharks (2019)

Card Sharks (2019) - ABC


Game Show



Game show

Hoping to make it to the grand prize winning deck, players face off in an elimination game.

Where to Stream

2019–2020 Game Show 2 Seasons21 Episodes

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Upcoming TV Airings

The airings below are based on a generic national schedule. Times and dates can vary by TV provider.

Saturday, December 28


Season 2 • Episode 6

A college student, a wedding planner, a property manager and a cosmetologist compete.

Sunday, December 29


Season 2 • Episode 7

An exercise instructor, a program manager, an air force airman and a day-camp manager compete.

Saturday, January 4

Hoping to make it to the grand prize winning deck, players face off in an elimination game.

Sunday, January 5

Hoping to make it to the grand prize winning deck, players face off in an elimination game.

Saturday, January 11

Hoping to make it to the grand prize winning deck, players face off in an elimination game.

News aboutCard Sharks