Casanova Brown
Cast & Crew
Gary Cooper Casanova "Cass" Brown
Teresa Wright Isabel Drury
Frank Morgan Mr. Ferris
Anita Louise Madge Ferris
Patricia Collinge Mrs. Drury
Edmond Breon Mr. Drury
Jill Esmond Dr. Zernerke
Emory Parnell Frank
Isobel Elsom Mrs. Ferris
Mary Treen Nurse Clark
Halliwell Hobbs Charles
Larry Joe Olsen Junior
Byron Foulger Fletcher
Sarah Padden Mrs. Smith
Eloise Hardt Doris Ferris
Grady Sutton Tod
Frederick Burton Rev. Dean
Robert Dudley Justice of the Peace
Florence Lake Nurse Phillips
Ann Evers Nurse Petherbridge
Frances Morris Nurse Gillespie
Lane Chandler Orderly
Dorothy Tree Nurse Clark
James Burke O'Leary
Nell Craig Miss Crampton
Sam Wood Director
Nunnally Johnson Producer
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1944 Movie
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1944 Movie
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