Come Fly With Me (1963)
Cast & Crew

Dolores Hart Donna Stuart

Hugh O'Brian First Officer Ray Winsley

Pamela Tiffin Carol Brewster

Karl Boehm Baron Franz Von Elzingen

Karl Malden Walter Lucas

Lois Nettleton Hilda "Bergie" Bergstrom

Dawn Addams Katie Rinard

Richard Wattis Oliver Garson

Andrew Cruickshank Cardwell

James Dobson Flight Engineer Teddy Shepard

Lois Maxwell Gwen Sandley

John Crawford Co-pilot

Robert Easton Navigator

Guido Wieland Actor

Maurice Marsac Monsieur Rinard

Bibi Morat Actor

Henry Levin Director

Anatole de Grunwald Producer
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1963 Movie
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1963 Movie
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