Cast & Crew
Jessica Lange Jewell Ivy
Sam Shepard Gil Ivy
Wilford Brimley Otis
Matt Clark Tom McMullen
Levi L. Knebel Carlisle Ivy
Jim Haynie Arlon Brewer
Sandra Seacat Louise Brewer
Alex Harvey Fordyce, FHA Man
Richard Pearce Director
William D. Wittliff Screenwriter
Jessica Lange Producer
William D. Wittliff Producer
David M. Walsh Cinematography
Bill Yahraus Film Editing
Charles Gross Original Music
Ron Hobbs Production Designer
John B. Mansbridge Production Designer
John B. Mansbridge Art Director
John Franco Set Decoration
Tommy Welsh Costume Design
Rita Salazar Costume Design
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1984 Movie
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1984 Movie
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