Dangerous Missions
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1999–2002 Series 5 Seasons48 Episodes
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Upcoming TV Airings
The airings below are based on a generic national schedule. Times and dates can vary by TV provider.
Tuesday, January 7
Episode 14
The Pathfinders are the first men of the D-Day invasion force to parachute into Normandy.
Wednesday, January 8
Episode 14
The Pathfinders are the first men of the D-Day invasion force to parachute into Normandy.
Wednesday, January 8
Episode 14
The Pathfinders are the first men of the D-Day invasion force to parachute into Normandy.
Wednesday, January 8
Episode 14
The Pathfinders are the first men of the D-Day invasion force to parachute into Normandy.
Wednesday, January 8
Marine Raiders
Episode 1
The U.S. Marine Raiders help to destroy Japanese supremacy.
Thursday, January 9
Marine Raiders
Episode 1
The U.S. Marine Raiders help to destroy Japanese supremacy.
Thursday, January 9
Marine Raiders
Episode 1
The U.S. Marine Raiders help to destroy Japanese supremacy.
Thursday, January 9
Marine Raiders
Episode 1
The U.S. Marine Raiders help to destroy Japanese supremacy.
Thursday, January 9
Tank Crews
Episode 2
The German tanks of World War II had thicker armor and better guns than the American M-4 Sherman.
Friday, January 10
Tank Crews
Episode 2
The German tanks of World War II had thicker armor and better guns than the American M-4 Sherman.
Friday, January 10
Tank Crews
Episode 2
The German tanks of World War II had thicker armor and better guns than the American M-4 Sherman.