Deck the Walls

Premiere Date
Movie Premiere:

Deck the Walls - Hallmark Channel





Interior designer, Rose DeMonte, uses her skills back in her hometown to renovate a Christmas Charity Home for her brother Sal and his contractor Brysen’s home flipping company.

Where to Stream

2024 Movie

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Upcoming TV Airings

The airings below are based on a generic national schedule. Times and dates can vary by TV provider.

Friday, December 27

Rose DeMonte uses her skills to renovate a Christmas Charity Home for her brother, Sal.

Monday, December 30

Rose DeMonte uses her skills to renovate a Christmas Charity Home for her brother, Sal.

Sunday, January 5

Rose DeMonte uses her skills to renovate a Christmas Charity Home for her brother, Sal.

News aboutDeck the Walls