El Cid (1961)
Cast & Crew
Charlton Heston El Cid (Rodrigo Díaz de Vivar)
Sophia Loren Jimena
Raf Vallone Count Ordóñez
Genevieve Page Princess Urraca
John Fraser Prince Alfonso
Gary Raymond Prince Sancho
Hurd Hatfield Arias
Massimo Serato Fanez
Frank Thring Al Kadir
Michael Hordern Don Diego
Andrew Cruickshank Count Gormaz
Douglas Wilmer Moutamin
Tullio Carminati Priest
Ralph Truman King Ferdinand
Christopher Rhodes Don Martín
Anthony Mann Director
Fredric M. Frank Screenwriter
Philip Yordan Screenwriter
Ben Barzman Screenwriter
Samuel Bronston Producer
Robert Krasker Cinematography
Robert Lawrence Film Editing
Miklós Rózsa Original Music
Veniero Colasanti Production Design
John Moore Production Design
Veniero Colasanti Set Decoration
John Moore Set Decoration
John Moore Costume Design
Veniero Colasanti Costume Design
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1961 Movie
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1961 Movie
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