Engaged by Christmas
Movie Premiere:
Cast & Crew
Brittany Bristow Zoe
Marcus Rosner Adam
Michael Lazarovitch Nate
Megan Tracz Emma
Colette Nwachi Lauren
Stafford Perry Cary
Adam Keefe Joe
Patrick Lynn Greg
Dylan Pearce Director
Emily Duncan Screenwriter
Ryan Cripps Producer
Alison Kroeker Producer
Michael Lazarovitch Producer
Ashlee Pearce Producer
Dylan Pearce Producer
Marcus Rosner Producer
Andrew W. Scholotiuk Producer
Chase Gardiner Cinematography
Jenica Sitter Film Editing
Chantel Fortin Production Design
Alison Hardy Art Director
Alison Kroeker Costume Design
⨁Full Cast & CrewWhere to Stream
2024 Movie
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Upcoming TV Airings
The airings below are based on a generic national schedule. Times and dates can vary by TV provider.
Sunday, December 22
A woman tracks down an advice columnist after her boyfriend breaks up with her before the holidays.
Monday, December 23
A woman tracks down an advice columnist after her boyfriend breaks up with her before the holidays.