Fox’s New Year’s Eve Toast & Roast 2021
Cast & Crew
Ken Jeong Host
Joel McHale Host
Kelly Osbourne Correspondent
LeAnn Rimes Music Performer
Gloria Estefan Music Performer
Ava Max Music Performer
Gabby Barrett Music Performer
Green Day Music Performer
John Legend Music Performer
Doctor Elvis Music Performer
Mayim Bialik Music Performer
Cheyenne Jackson Music Performer
Jane Krakowski Music Performer
Randy Jackson Music Performer
Craig Robinson Music Performer
The Nasty Delicious Music Performer
David Guetta Music Performer
RAYE Music Performer
Leslie Jordan Guest
Morris Chestnut Guest
Tim Allen Guest
Tom Payne Guest
Carol Donovan Executive Producer
⨁Full Cast & CrewWhere to Stream
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