Cast & Crew
Michael Douglas Benjamin Franklin
Noah Jupe Temple Franklin
Thibault de Montalembert Comte de Vergennes
Daniel Mays Edward Bancroft
Ludivine Sagnier Madame Brillon
Eddie Marsan John Adams
Assaad Bouab Beaumarchais
Jeanne Balibar Madame Helvetius
Théodore Pellerin Marquis de Lafayette
Michael Douglas Executive Producer
Kirk Ellis Executive Producer
Howard Korder Executive Producer
Tim Van Patten Executive Producer
Tony Krantz Executive Producer
Philippe Maigret Executive Producer
Richard Plepler Executive Producer
Mark Mostyn Executive Producer
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2024– Limited Series 1 Season8 Episodes
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Matt Roush says...
It’s impossible not to like Douglas’s cunning spin on the larger-than-life Franklin.