Fullmetal Alchemist
Cast & Crew
Romi Park Edward Elric
Rie Kugimiya Alphonse Elric
Miyoko Aso Pinako Rockbell
Megumi Toyoguchi Winry Rockbell
Okiayu Ryôtarô Scar
Tôru Ohkawa Roy Mustang
Michiko Neya Riza Hawkeye
Kenji Utsumi Alex Louis Armstrong
Keiji Fujiwara Maes Hughes
Yasunori Matsumoto Jean Havoc
Seiji Mizushima Director
Hiromu Arakawa Writer (Comic Book)
⨁Full Cast & CrewWhere to Stream
2003–2004 Series 2 Seasons51 Episodes
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Upcoming TV Airings
2003–2004 Series 2 Seasons51 Episodes
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