Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer
Cast & Crew
Michele Lee Cousin Mel
Elmo Shropshire Narrator
Alex Doduk Jake
Susan Blu Grandma
Maggie Blue O'Hara Daphne Spankenheimer
Cam Clarke Austin Bucks
Kathleen Barr Voice
Venus Terzo Voice
Phil Roman Director
Jim Fisher Screenwriter
Jim Staahl Screenwriter
Phil Roman Executive Producer
Fred A. Rappoport Executive Producer
Jim Fisher Producer
Jim Staahl Producer
⨁Full Cast & CrewWhere to Stream
2000 Movie
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Upcoming TV Airings
The airings below are based on a generic national schedule. Times and dates can vary by TV provider.
Thursday, December 5
A youth embarks on a journey to find his missing grandmother and prove that Santa Claus is real.
Monday, December 9
A youth embarks on a journey to find his missing grandmother and prove that Santa Claus is real.