Guns of the Timberland
Cast & Crew
Alan Ladd Jim Hadley
Jeanne Crain Laura Riley
Gilbert Roland Monty Walker
Frankie Avalon Bert Harvey
Lyle Bettger Clay Bell
Noah Beery Blackie
Verna Felton Aunt Sarah
Alana Ladd Jane Peterson
Regis Toomey Sheriff Taylor
Johnny Seven Vince
George Selk Amos Stearns
Paul E. Burns Bill Burroughs
Henry Kulky Logger
Hal Needham Townsman
Robert D. Webb Director
Aaron Spelling Screenwriter
Joseph Petracca Screenwriter
Aaron Spelling Producer
John F. Seitz Cinematography
Tom McAdoo Film Editing
David Buttolph Original Music
John Beckman Art Director
Frank M. Miller Set Decoration
Marjorie Best Costume Design
⨁Full Cast & CrewWhere to Stream
1960 Movie
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1960 Movie
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