High Time
Cast & Crew
Bing Crosby Harvey Howard
Fabian Gil Sparrow
Tuesday Weld Joy Elder
Nicole Maurey Prof. Helene Gauthier
Richard Beymer Bob Bannerman
Yvonne Craig Randy "Scoop" Pruitt
Patrick Adiarte T.J. Padmanagham
Jimmy Boyd Robert Higgson
Kenneth MacKenna President Byrne of Pinehurst
Gavin MacLeod Professor Thayer
Nina Shipman Laura Howard
Angus Duncan Harvey Howard Jr
Blake Edwards Director
Charles Brackett Producer
Tom Waldman Screenwriter
Frank Waldman Screenwriter
Bing Crosby Executive Producer
Ellsworth Fredricks Cinematography
Robert L. Simpson Film Editing
Henry Mancini Original Music
Herman A. Blumenthal Art Director
Duncan Cramer Art Director
Paul S. Fox Set Decoration
Walter M. Scott Set Decoration
Bill Thomas Costume Design
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1960 Movie
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Tuesday, December 3
A rich widower (Bing Crosby) goes to college, joins campus high jinks and romances a French teacher.