I Shot Andy Warhol
Cast & Crew
Lili Taylor Valerie Jean Solanas
Jared Harris Andy Warhol
Lothaire Bluteau Maurice Girodias
Martha Plimpton Stevie
Stephen Dorff Candy Darling
Anna Thompson Iris
Peter Friedman Alan Burke
Mary Harron Director
Mary Harron Writer
Daniel Minahan Writer
Jeremiah Newton Writer
Lindsay Law Executive Producer
Anthony Wall Executive Producer
Christine Vachon Producer
Tom Kalin Producer
John Cale Original Music
Ellen Kuras Cinematographer
Keith Reamer Film Editor
Kerry Barden Casting
Billy Hopkins Casting
Suzanne Smith Casting
Thérèse DePrez Production Design
Diane Lederman Set Decoration
David C. Robinson Costume Designer
⨁Full Cast & CrewWhere to Stream
1996 Movie
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1996 Movie
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