Cast & Crew
Laurence Olivier Gen. Douglas MacArthur
Jacqueline Bisset Barbara Hallsworth
Ben Gazzara Maj. Frank Hallsworth
Toshirô Mifune Saito-San
Richard Roundtree Sgt. Augustus Henderson
David Janssen David Feld
Gabriele Ferzetti Turkish Brigadier
Rex Reed Longfellow
Sabine Sun Marguerite
Dorothy James Jean MacArthur
Karen Kahn Lim
Lydia Lei Mila
James Callahan Gen. Almond
Rion Morgan Pipe journalist
Anthony Dawson Gen. Collins
Peter Burton Adm. Sherman
John Pochna Lt. Alexander Haig
William Dupree Turkish Sergeant
Grace Chan Ah Cheu
Omar Sharif Indian Brigadier
Mickey Knox Adm. Doyle
Won Nam Goon Park
Kwang Nam Young President Synghman Rhee
Terence Young Director
Mitsuharu Ishii Producer
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1981 Movie
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1981 Movie
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