Invisible Ray
Cast & Crew
Boris Karloff Dr. Janos Rukh
Bela Lugosi Dr. Felix Benet
Frances Drake Diane Rukh
Frank Lawton Ronald Drake
Violet Kemble Cooper Mother Rukh
Walter Kingsford Sir Francis Stevens
Beulah Bondi Lady Arabella Stevens
Frank Reicher Professor Meiklejohn
Paul Weigel Monsieur Noyer
Georges Renavent Chief of the Surete
Lambert Hillyer Director
John Colton Screenwriter
Edmund Grainger Producer
Fred S. Meyer Executive Producer
Franz Waxman Original Music
George Robinson Cinematography
Bernard W. Burton Film Editing
Albert S. D'Agostino Art Director
Brymer Costume Design
⨁Full Cast & CrewWhere to Stream
1935 Movie
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1935 Movie
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