Love in a Goldfish Bowl
Cast & Crew
Tommy Sands Gordon Slide
Fabian Guiseppi La Barba
Toby Michaels Blythe Holloway
Jan Sterling Sandra Slide
Edward Andrews Sen. Clyde Holloway
John McGiver Dr. Frowley
Majel Barrett Alice
Shirley O'Hara Clara Dumont
Robert Patten Lt. Marchon
Phillip Baird Gregory
Denny Miller Oscar Flegler
Susan Silo Jenny
Elizabeth MacRae Jackie
Jack Sher Director
Martin Jurow Producer
Richard Shepherd Producer
Jack Sher Screenwriter
Loyal Griggs Cinematography
Terry Morse Film Editing
Jimmie Haskell Original Music
Roland Anderson Art Director
Sam Comer Set Decoration
⨁Full Cast & CrewWhere to Stream
1961 Movie
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1961 Movie
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