Loving (1983)
Cast & Crew
Nancy Addison-Altman Deborah Brewster Alden
Alimi Ballard Frank "Frankie" Hubbard
Noelle Beck Patricia "Trisha" Alden Sowolsky Hartman McKenzie
Philip Brown Lyndon "Buck" Huston
Geoffrey C. Ewing Charles Harrison
Meta Golding Brianna Hawkins
Amelia Heinle Steffi Brewster
Catherine Hickland Tess Wilder Partou Huston
Jean LeClerc Gilbert Hunter
Randolph Mantooth Alex Masters
Elizabeth Mitchell Dinah Lee Mayberry Alden McKenzie
Debbi Morgan Carrie Mansfield
Corey Page Richard Wilkins
Lisa Peluso Ava Rescott Forbes Alden Masters
Nada Rowand Kate Rescott Slavinsky
Maggie Rush Lorraine Hawkins
Carina Finn Trisha Alden
Paul Anthony Stewart Casey Bowman
Lauren-Marie Taylor Stacey Donovan Forbes Allen
Christine L. Tudor Gwyneth Alden
Robert Tyler Trucker McKenzie
Michael Weatherly Cooper Alden
Laura Wright Ally Rescott Alden Bowman
Bernie Barrow Louie Slavinski
James Carroll Leo Burnell
⨁Full Cast & CrewWhere to Stream
1983–1995 Soap Opera 4 Episodes
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1983–1995 Soap Opera 4 Episodes
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