Lucy Gallant
Cast & Crew
Jane Wyman Lucy Gallant
Charlton Heston Casey Cole
Claire Trevor Lady MacBeth
Thelma Ritter Molly Basserman
William Demarest Charles Madden
Wallace Ford Gus Basserman
Tom Helmore Jim Wardman
Gloria Talbott Laura Wilson
James Westerfield Harry Wilson
Mary Field Irma Wilson
Edith Head Self
Joel Fluellen Summertime (uncredited)
Louise Arthur Sal (uncredited)
Jay Adler Sam
Frank Marlowe Ben Nolan (uncredited)
Roscoe Ates Clem Anderson
Robert Parrish Director
William Pine Producer
William C. Thomas Producer
John Lee Mahin Screenwriter
Winston Miller Screenwriter
Lionel Lindon Cinematography
Howard A. Smith Film Editing
Van Cleave Original Music
Henry Bumstead Art Director
Sam Comer Set Decoration
Edith Head Costume Design
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1955 Movie
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1955 Movie
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