Ma and Pa Kettle
Cast & Crew
Marjorie Main Phoebe "Ma" Kettle
Percy Kilbride Frank "Pa" Kettle
Richard Long Tom Kettle
Meg Randall Kim Parker
Patricia Alphin Secretary
Esther Dale Mrs. Birdie Hicks
Barry Kelley Mr. Victor Tomkins
Harry Antrim Mayor Dwiggins
Isabel O'Madigan Mrs. Hicks' Mother
Ida Moore Emily
Emory Parnell Bill Reed
Boyd Davis Mr. Simpson
O.Z. Whitehead Mr. Billings
Ray Bennett Sam Rogers
Alvin Hammer Alvin
Charles Lamont Director
Leonard Goldstein Producer
Betty MacDonald Screenwriter
Al Lewis Screenwriter
Russell F. Schoengarth Editor
Maury Gertsman Cinematography
Bernard Herzbrun Art Director
Emrich Nicholson Art Director
Russell A. Gausman Set Decoration
Oliver Emert Set Decoration
Leslie I. Carey Sound
Richard DeWeese Sound
Bud Westmore Makeup
Jack Kevan Makeup
Carmen Dirigo Hair Stylist
Emmy Eckhardt Hair Stylist
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1949 Movie
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1949 Movie
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