Mary, Queen of Scots
Cast & Crew
Vanessa Redgrave Mary, Queen of Scots
Glenda Jackson Queen Elizabeth
Patrick McGoohan James Stuart
Timothy Dalton Henry, Lord Darnley
Nigel Davenport Lord Bothwell
Trevor Howard William Cecil
Daniel Massey Robert Dudley
Ian Holm David Riccio
Andrew Keir Ruthven
Tom Fleming Fr. Ballard
Katherine Kath Catherine De Medici
Beth Harris Mary Seton
Frances White Mary Fleming
Charles Jarrott Director
John Hale Writer (Screenplay)
Hal B. Wallis Producer
Christopher Challis Cinematography
Richard Marden Film Editing
John Barry Original Music
Terence Marsh Production Design
Robert Cartwright Art Director
Sally Nicholl Casting
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1971 Movie
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1971 Movie
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