More Than a Miracle
Cast & Crew
Sophia Loren Isabella Candeloro
Omar Sharif Prince Rodrigo Fernandez
Dolores del Río Queen Mother
Georges Wilson Jean-Jacques Bouché "Monzu"
Leslie French Brother Giuseppe da Copertino
Marina Malfatti Olimpia Capce Latro
Anna Nogara Impatient princess
Rita Forzano Greedy princess
Rosa Maria Martino Pretentious princess
Carlotta Barilli Superstitious princess
Fleur Mombelli Proud princess
Anna Liotti Infanta
Carlo Pisacane First witch
Cris Huerta Actor
Pietro Carloni Actor
Giovanni Tarallo Actor
Francesco Rosi Director
Tonino Guerra Screenwriter
Raffaele La Capria Screenwriter
Giuseppe Patroni Griffi Screenwriter
Francesco Rosi Screenwriter
Carlo Ponti Producer
Pasqualino De Santis Cinematography
Jolanda Benvenuti Film Editing
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1967 Movie
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1967 Movie
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