Occasional Wife
Cast & Crew
Michael Callan Peter Christopher
Patricia Harty Greta Patterson
Jack Collins Max Brahms
Bryan O'Byrne Man in the Middle
Joan Tompkins Mrs. Brahms
Jack Riley Wally
Marcelle Fortier Edie
Sara Seegar Mrs. Christopher
C. Lindsay Workman Clerk
Susan Silo Vera
Stuart Margolin Bernie
Linda Gaye Scott Miss Wilson
Ned Glass Murray
Woodrow Parfrey Grant Gray
William Long Al
Chris Noel Marilyn
Henry Hunter Judge
Eunice Christopher Bernice Kramer
Lawrence J. Cohen Director
Fred Freeman Director
⨁Full Cast & CrewWhere to Stream
1966–1967 Series 1 Season30 Episodes
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1966–1967 Series 1 Season30 Episodes
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