Pop Culture Jeopardy!
Series Premiere:
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2024 Game Show 1 Season9 Episodes
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Matt Roush says...
With Saturday Night Live “Weekend Update” anchor Colin Jost at the podium, and teams with names like “Oops! We Guessed It Again,” it’s not always easy to distinguish Jeopardy!’s latest spinoff from one of SNL’s many game-show parodies. While it might sound like Pop Culture Jeopardy! would be a breeze to play — no arcane ancient-history topics — you’re likely to soon discover just where your blind spots are as the game progresses (“Famous Because the Internet” might as well have been Sanskrit). Jost’s ironic manner takes some getting used to, but the real twist in this tournament-style version is that it’s being played by teams of three, It’s Academic-style, with the winner of each game moving on to the next round, with three games dropping each week until the finals, when the top three teams compete for a $300,000 grand prize — and the possibility of someday being an answer in a future season of Pop Culture Jeopardy! (Among the show’s writers: past super champ Buzzy Cohen and Jimmy Kimmel Live writer (and former contestant) Louis Virtel.