Return to Office

Premiere Date
Movie Premiere:

Return to Office - Hallmark Channel



After making the return to the office on a hybrid schedule, two coworkers known to each other only as Ms. Monday and Mr. Tuesday start sending friendly notes, sparking an office romance.

Where to Stream

2025 Movie

Sorry, this movie is currently not available on any streaming platforms. Check back again soon!

Upcoming TV Airings

The airings below are based on a generic national schedule. Times and dates can vary by TV provider.

Saturday, February 15

Two coworkers known to each other only as Ms. Monday and Mr. Tuesday start sending friendly notes.

Sunday, February 16

Two coworkers known to each other only as Ms. Monday and Mr. Tuesday start sending friendly notes.

Wednesday, February 19

Two coworkers known to each other only as Ms. Monday and Mr. Tuesday start sending friendly notes.

News aboutReturn to Office