Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer: The Movie (1998)
Cast & Crew
John Goodman Santa Claus
Eric Idle Slyly the Fox
Bob Newhart Leonard the Polar Bear
Debbie Reynolds Mrs. Claus
Richard Simmons Boone
Whoopi Goldberg Stormella, The Evil Ice Queen
Eric Pospisil Young Rudolph
Kathleen Barr Grown-Up Rudolph
William R. Kowalchuk Director
Michael Aschner Writer
Robert May Writer
William R. Kowalchuk Producer
Michael Ellenbogen Executive Producer
Andrew Greenberg Executive Producer
Seth Willenson Executive Producer
Al Kasha Original Music
Michael Lloyd Original Music
Tom Hok Film Editing
Mary Jo Slater Casting
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1998 Movie
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1998 Movie
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