Secrets at the Inn
Cast & Crew
Tamara Almeida Celia Flores/Natalie Flores
Spencer MacPherson Elijah Miller
Zoë Belkin Sabrina Flores
Luke Humphrey Andy Bertrand
Zoe Doyle Sarah Parsons
Milton Barnes Sheriff Kelly
Paulino Nunes Paolo
Catherine P. Gardner Colleen
Leo Scherman Director
David Goulet Screenwriter
Daniel Whidden Screenwriter
Andrew Ferguson Producer
Matt King Producer
Suzanne Berger Executive Producer
Hannah Pillemer Executive Producer
Marly Reed Executive Producer
Fernando Szew Executive Producer
Marianne C. Wunch Executive Producer
Arnie Zipursky Executive Producer
Cabot McNenly Cinematography
Pamela Bayne Film Editing
Alex Edkins Original Music
Graham Walsh Original Music
Ellie Thompson Production Design
Lindsay Rheault Set Decoration
Crystal Silden Costume Design
Larissa Mair Casting
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2022 Movie
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2022 Movie
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