Stolen Women: Captured Hearts
Cast & Crew
Janine Turner Anna Brewster-Morgan
Dennis Weaver Captain Farnsworth
Ted Shackelford Reverend Brewster
Jean Louisa Kelly Sarah White
Patrick Bergin Sarah White
William Shockley General George Armstrong Custer
Michael Greyeyes Tokalah
Rodney A. Grant Actor
Saginaw Grant Chief Luta
William Lightning Cetah
Selina Jayne Kimimila
Kateri Walker Manipi
Apesanahkwat Bloody Knife
Peggy Friesen Emma
Elizabeth Ryall Mary
Allen Baker Dooley
Betty Laird Gertrude
Jim Birdsall Marshall
Jerry London Director
Vanessa Greene Producer
Leigh Murray Executive Producer
Richard Fielder Writer
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1997 Movie
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1997 Movie
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