Mike Mercury pilots the Supercar, which can travel on land, sea or in the air.
Graydon Gould Mike Mercury
David Graham Dr. Beaker/Zarin/Mitch the Monkey
George Murcell Professor Popkiss/Masterspy
The airings below are based on a generic national schedule. Times and dates can vary by TV provider.
Masterspy steals Supercar's fuel.
Masterspy tries to cheat Dr. Beaker's cousin.
Masterspy kidnaps Dr. Beaker.
A leader asks Supercar to help bring peace.
Dr. Beaker is trapped.
Supercar flies to Scotland.
The Supercar crew sets a trap.
Mike and Dr. Beaker try to find a forger's plates.
Supercar is used to save a princess.
A bathyscaphe is trapped in the Pacific.
Criminals hold Mike captive.
Spyros has a secret.
Professor Watkins plans to launch a flying atomic bomb.
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