Supermarket Sweep (1990)

Supermarket Sweep (1990) - Lifetime


Game Show


Game show

Teams compete in games involving supermarket product literacy.

Where to Stream

1990–2003 Game Show 5 Seasons1002 Episodes

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Upcoming TV Airings

The airings below are based on a generic national schedule. Times and dates can vary by TV provider.

Tuesday, December 10

Teams compete in games involving supermarket product literacy.

Tuesday, December 10

Teams compete in games involving supermarket product literacy.

Tuesday, December 10

Teams compete in games involving supermarket product literacy.

Saturday, December 14

Teams compete in games involving supermarket product literacy.

Saturday, December 14

Teams compete in games involving supermarket product literacy.

Saturday, December 14

Teams compete in games involving supermarket product literacy.

Sunday, December 15

Teams compete in games involving supermarket product literacy.

Sunday, December 15

Teams compete in games involving supermarket product literacy.

Sunday, December 15

Teams compete in games involving supermarket product literacy.

News aboutSupermarket Sweep