The Flamingo Kid
Cast & Crew
Matt Dillon Jeffrey Willis
Richard Crenna Phil Brody
Jessica Walter Phyllis Brody
Héctor Elizondo Arthur Willis
Molly McCarthy Ruth Willis
Martha Gehman Nikki Willis
Carole R. Davis Carole R. Davis
Janet Jones Carla Samson
Brian McNamara Steve Dawkins
Fisher Stevens Hawk Ganz
Leon Robinson Fortune Smith
Bronson Pinchot Alfred Schultz
Frank Campanella Col. Cal Eastland
Richard Stahl Charlie Cooper
Joe Grifasi Mario Minetta
Ron McLarty Pat McCarty
Seth Allen Jerry Berlin
Irving Metzman Big Sid
Adam Klugman Lewis Madrone
Garry Marshall Director
Michael Phillips Producer
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1984 Movie
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1984 Movie
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