The Mighty Ducks: Game Changers
Cast & Crew
Lauren Graham Alex
Brady Noon Evan Morrow
Taegen Burns Maya
Julee Cerda Stephanie
Bella Higginbotham Lauren
Kiefer O'Reilly Logan
Maxwell Simkins Nick Gaines
Luke Islam Koob
Swayam Bhatia Sofi Hudson-Batra
De'Jon Watts Sam
Steven Brill Creator
Josh Goldsmith Creator
Cathy Yuspa Creator
Michael Spiller Executive Producer
Steven Brill Executive Producer
Josh Goldsmith Executive Producer
Cathy Yuspa Executive Producer
Jon Avnet Executive Producer
Jordan Kerner Executive Producer
George Heller Executive Producer
Brad Petrigala Executive Producer
James Griffiths Executive Producer
Lauren Graham Co-Executive Producer
⨁Full Cast & CrewWhere to Stream
2021–2022 Series 2 Seasons20 Episodes
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2021–2022 Series 2 Seasons20 Episodes
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