The Pebbles and Bamm-Bamm Show
Cast & Crew

Jay North Bamm-Bamm Rubble

Sally Struthers Pebbles Flintstone

Mel Blanc Barney Rubble

Alan Reed Fred Flintstone

Jean Vander Pyl Wilma Flintstone

Carl Esser Fabian Fabquartz

Gay Hartwig Betty Rubble/Wiggy Rockstone/Cindy Curbstone

Mitzi McCall Penny Pillar

Don Messick Schleprock

John Stephenson Mr. Slate

Len Weinrib Moonrock Crater/Bronto

William Hanna Director

Joseph Barbera Director
⨁Full Cast & CrewWhere to Stream
1971–1976 Series 1 Season18 Episodes
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1971–1976 Series 1 Season18 Episodes
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