The Room
Cast & Crew
Tommy Wiseau Johnny
Juliette Danielle Lisa
Greg Sestero Mark
Carolyn Minnott Claudette
Philip Haldiman Denny
Robyn Paris Michelle
Teck Holmes Mike
Dan Janjigian Chris R
Kyle Vogt Peter
Greg Ellery Steven
Tommy Wiseau Director
Tommy Wiseau Screenwriter
Drew Caffrey Executive Producer
Chloe Lietzke Executive Producer
Tommy Wiseau Executive Producer
Mladen Milicevic Original Music
Todd Barron Cinematography
Eric Chase Film Editing
Chloe Lietzke Casting
Kendra Hollaway Art Direction
Safowa B. Asare Costume Design
⨁Full Cast & CrewWhere to Stream
2003 Movie
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2003 Movie
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