The Three Musketeers (1939)
Cast & Crew
Don Ameche D'Artagnan
The Ritz Brothers Three Lackeys
Binnie Barnes Milady De Winter
Lionel Atwill De Rochefort
Gloria Stuart Queen Anne
Pauline Moore Lady Constance
Joseph Schildkraut King Louis XIII
John Carradine Naveau
Miles Mander Cardinal Richelieu
Douglas Dumbrille Athos
John King Aramis
Russell Hicks Porthos
Gregory Gaye Vitray
Lester Matthews Duke of Buckingham
Egon Brecher Landlord
Moroni Olsen Bailiff
Georges Renavent Captain Fageon
Montague Shaw Ship Captain
Allan Dwan Director
Ray Griffith Producer
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1939 Movie
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1939 Movie
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