Those About to Die
Cast & Crew
Anthony Hopkins Emperor Vespasian
Iwan Rheon Tenax
Tom Hughes Titus Flavianus
Sara Martins Cala
Gabriella Pession Antonia
Jóhannes Haukur Jóhannesson Viggo
Roland Emmerich Director
Marco Kreuzpaintner Director
Roland Emmerich Executive Producer
Harald Kloser Executive Producer
Gianni Nunnari Executive Producer
Martin Moszkowicz Executive Producer
Jonas Bauer Executive Producer
Stuart Ford Executive Producer
Lourdes Diaz Executive Producer
Charles Holland Executive Producer
⨁Full Cast & CrewUpcoming TV Airings
2024– Series 1 Season10 Episodes
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Matt Roush says...
A throwback to pulp entertainment from a simpler time, though more savage in its leering approach to graphic carnage, this historical—or should I say hysterical—drama seeks to condemn a corrupt society constructed around spectacles of bloodlust while satisfying the same impulse among those who tune in. Let the games begin?