Town Tamer
Cast & Crew
Dana Andrews Tom Rosser
Terry Moore Susan Tavenner
Pat O'Brien Judge Murcott
Lon Chaney Mayor Charlie Leach
Bruce Cabot Riley Condor
Lyle Bettger Lee Ring
Coleen Gray Carol Rosser
Barton MacLane James Fenimore Fell
Richard Arlen Dr. Kent
Richard Jaeckel Deputy Johnny Honsinger
Philip Carey Jim Akins
DeForest Kelley Guy Tavenner
Sonny Tufts Carmichael
Roger Torrey Mike Flon
James Brown Davis
Richard Webb Kevin
Jeanne Cagney Mary Donley
Donald Barry Tex
Robert Ivers Cowboy
Bob Steele Ken
Lesley Selander Director
A.C. Lyles Producer
Frank Gruber Writer
W. Wallace Kelley Cinematography
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1965 Movie
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1965 Movie
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