Wake Up With Dr. Phil
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2024– Reality Series 18 Seasons137 Episodes
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Upcoming TV Airings
The airings below are based on a generic national schedule. Times and dates can vary by TV provider.
Tuesday, December 10
Teens Obsessed With Love
Episode 2
Couple say teen daughter is obsessed with a dope-smoking high school dropout.
Wednesday, December 11
When Does Discipline Go Too Far
Episode 1
Dr. Phil talks to a mom accused of dragging her son through a store on a leash.
Wednesday, December 11
Lazy Husbands and Cling-On Kids
Episode 9
A woman says her 25-year-old daughter does not pay rent or help around the house.
Thursday, December 12
The Ex Wars
Episode 4
Divorced parents wage a no-holds-barred battle over custody of their three young children.
Monday, December 16
Family Chaos
Episode 8
A compulsive shopper's excessive spending threatens her marriage and family life.
Monday, December 16
Marriage Crisis: Drowning in Debt
Episode 9
A couple drowning in debt try to save their house and their marriage.
Wednesday, December 18
My Son Picked the Wrong Fiancee
Episode 2
A woman meets her son's fiancee, whom she has called manipulative, immoral and disrespectful.
Wednesday, December 18
Monster In-Laws
Episode 9
A woman admits to hating her son-in-law and belittling him by calling him names.
Thursday, December 19
Most Outrageous Monster In-Law Returns
Episode 11
A previous guest, who calls her son-in-law names and laced his drink, returns to face her critics.
Thursday, December 19
Will My Mother-in-Law Destroy My Marriage?
Episode 5
A guest says she is so fed up with her meddling mother-in-law she has filed for divorce.
Friday, December 20
Khalood Is Back, and You Won't Believe It!
Episode 6
"Monster-in-law" Khalood returns and says her daughter is now the target of her wrath.
Friday, December 20
Dr. Phil Visits Monster-in-Law Khalood
Episode 7
Dr. Phil makes a house call to "Monster-in-Law" Khalood to find out really goes on in her home.