Warden of Red Rock
Cast & Crew

James Caan John Flinders

David Carradine Mike Sullivan

Rachel Ticotin Mrs. Maria McVale

Billy Rieck Harry Joe Reese

Gisela Sanchez Dolores

Lloyd Lowe Ray Otis

Kirk Baltz Gil Macon

Jim Beaver Jefferson Bent

Sergio Calderon Toro

Pedro Damián Billy

Brian Dennehy Sheriff Selwyn Church

Gregory Norman Cruz Taza

Jorge Zarate Jim Johnson

Michael Cavanaugh Sen. Paul Townsend

Julian Sedgwick Carter

Mark Metcalf Carl McVale

Michael Harney Henry Masters

Dave Galasso Sanchez

Ricardo Cárdenas Hector

Andres Weiss George

Roberto Medina Lercy Sanders

Mark Shultz Guard 3

Manuel Sevilla Joe Woods

Stephen Gyllenhaal Director

Paul Freeman Producer

Patricia Clifford Executive Producer

Brian Dennehy Executive Producer

James Lee Barrett Writer
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2001 Movie
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2001 Movie
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